For Volunteers
Thank you so much for dedicating your time to our cause!
Workshop Example Timeline
Create a group chat with your group and start planning.
(Check the shift assignment email for contact information.)
2. Locate lesson plan materials hyperlinked on the “Workshop Tracking and Attendance Form” spreadsheet.
Print worksheets (for about 20-30 students) and lesson plans (~2 copies for volunteers).
Gather recipe ingredients from the lesson-plan-specific folder.
Optional: Find an alternative recipe of interest in the “Alternative Recipe” link on the spreadsheet.
Arrive at the school 15 minutes before shift. Park in the back lot on 7th Ave. Enter through the EDEP-Cafeteria (Mapp attached to this email)
Locate an EDEP staff member Mr. Mitchell Londrie (EDEP Director) and ask for directions to the workshop (conference) room.
Ask for a projector to play the YouTube video from the lesson plan, and specify the age group (PreK-2nd or 3rd-5th) AND preferred number of kids (20-30).
Follow the lesson plan:
Play the YouTube video and ask a few reflection questions (~5 min).
Go over the article with the students using popcorn reading (~5 min).
Walk students through the worksheet (~15 min).
Conclude with the recipe. Engage the students by allowing them to help with preparation (choose toppings, prepare assembly line style, etc.) (~20 min)
Clean up and dismiss students with the help of the EDEP staff member (~5 min)
6. Take Pictures THROUGHOUT the lesson and forward them to or the @smallbitesnutrition Instagram!
7. Track attendance: note which group members participated in the "Workshop Tracking and Attendance" spreadsheet
Volunteer Responsibilities
1. We ask that everyone who fills out the Google Form is truly interested in volunteering and maintains an open line of communication with assigned group members and
2. We ask volunteers to remain professional when working with fellow volunteers, teachers, and students. Please dress appropriately for attending an elementary school.
3. If there are any days in which you can no longer fulfill your shift, please let your group members know and
4. Plan with group members the lesson you wish to conduct, print any worksheets if needed, and organize any ingredients you will need for the cook-along recipes BEFORE your visit.
5. Remember, this is supposed to be a flexible and low-stress commitment. Promoting nutritional education and healthy habits in our Gainesville community all starts with our amazing and committed UF volunteers!